Sunday, April 24, 2016

"The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth." ~Marlee Matlin

“We need the tonic of wildness—to wade sometimes in marshes where the bittern and the meadow-hen lurk, and hear the booming of the snipe; to smell the whispering sedge where only some wilder and more solitary fowl builds her nest, and the mink crawls with its belly close to the ground.  At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be infinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.” 
Henry David Thoreau

April 22, 2016


Tuesday:  Lesson 6:  Solar and Lunar Eclipses.  Prezis, videos, notes and information. . . COOL STUFF!

Last year something cool happened:
On March 20, 2015, people from all over the world flocked to Svalbard, Norway, an archipelago about 500 miles north of the mainland, and the remote Faroe Islands, about 186 miles north of Scotland and 370 miles west of Norway, to witness something extraordinary -- a "supermoon total eclipse," which coincided with the spring equinox -- a rare occurrence that wouldn't happen again until 2034. 
Want to see??
Before viewing the video below, read this 
 so that you'll know a few things to look for: 
  1. As the moon's irregular shape nearly covers the sun, look for something called the "The 'Baily's Beads Effect' at positions of around 9 and 11 o'clock. These look like dots of light around the disc of the moon's shadow.  They are simply  "beads" of brilliant sunlight shining through in some places and not in others
A really spectacular visual phenomenon that occurs during a total solar eclipse is called "The 'Diamond Ring Effect'.  It's part of Baily's Beads. When only one “bead” is visible, you'll briefly see something that resembles a diamond ring. This is caused by the sun's corona layer (creating the ring part) and a dazzling dot of its photoshpere shining at the edge.

Now, this will amaze you! Out of the total blackness of the eclipse, the sun's Corona -- the outer atmosphere of the Sun -- will become visible. Normally we can't  see the corona because of the brilliance of the sun. A total eclipse, when the moon's shadow completely covers the sun's surface, provides us with a brief, rare glimpse of the solar atmosphere.  Watch for an amazing display once the eclipse is total (around 1.24).

Now that you know what to look for,
Be Ready to be Amazed!

Wednesday:  Lesson 7: Galaxies, Other Objects, and the Universe notetaking activity.

Thursday:  Bill Nye: Video & Worksheet:


Friday:  TBA

For this week: tying up loose ends from last week.  
(Go back for directions if you didn't finish.)
  1. How Athens Got Its Name summary/art project
  2. How Rome Got Its Name summary/art project
Have you completed? (Just asking. . .)
  1. Greek Alphabet chart
  2. Roman Numerals chart

Once that is done, on to your very own Roman Mosaic!

Great Links:

Make a Marvelous Mosaic directions 
Printable Mosaics to color
Design a Mosaic Online 
Make Your Own Mosaic Pattern

Ancient Greece--Ancient Olympics  -- Quiz and word search--show me for credit
Greek Myths and Legends Podcasts

Language Arts

Little bits of me that escape to my page. . .

Monday: You received a particularly awesome packet today with everything you need to know and do for this Exhibition Project. This is an important part of this trimester's grade, so be your amazingly creative selves and do your best work!
Today's assignment:  Vocabulary (14 words, typed and tidy!)

Tuesday:  Find a poem to analyze. (Search through my books or some from home.)
You will need to find a poem to recite to the class.  Choose wisely and practice, practice, practice.  You will be assessed on your presentation.

Wednesday:  Type and illustrate the poem you chose to analyze.  Using the template I provide, write your [brief] analysis of this poem. It will all become page 2 in your book.

Thursday: Complete poem analysis & illustration and turn in.

Friday: First poem! TBA 

Monday:  8.5 (Review) Model and Solve Multiplication Equations.  Practice and Homework, pgs.449-450
Essential Question:  How can you use models to solve multipliction equations?


8.6 Solve Multiplication and Division Equations.  Share & Show, pg. 453. Practice & Homework, pgs. 455-456.
Essential Question:  How do you solve multiplication and Division Equations?
Monday, Review 8.5

Monday 8.6

Tuesday:  8.7  Problem-Solving * Equations with Fractions.  Share & Show, pgs. 459-460.  Practice & Homework, pgs. 461-462.
Essential Question:  How can you use the strategy solve a simpler problem to solve equations using fractions?

Tuesday 8.7

A little more help. . .

Wednesday:  Mid-Chapter Checkpoint, pgs. 463-464  Correct & fix.

Thursday:  8.8  Solutions of Inequalities.  Share & Show, pgs. 467-468.  Practice & Homework, pgs. 469-470.
Essential Question:  How do you determine if a number is a solution or an inequality?
Thursday 8.8

Friday:  TBA

Lesson 12
Test Friday!


Monday: Hope your book is done.  This is the month we write a formal Response to Literature

Tuesday: Using the template for the Response to Literature provided, begin your draft.

Wednesday: Work on your Response to Literature  (Remember those direct quotes!)

Thursday: Begin typing your Response to Literature

Friday: Edit and revise your Response to Literature

The beauty of nature watercolor    Earth Day  Science gif   S.S. banner  boy creating mosaic image   Mosaic image   Dancing Penguin gif   Poetry gif  Math gif  response to lit. gif  typing computer gif  spelling gif  awesome sign

Sunday, April 10, 2016

“Time does not pass, it continues” ― Marty Rubin

From excellent article "Space & Time"

Hey guys-- The year's winding down--can you believe it? After April vacation, we've got six short weeks left!  Where has the time gone? In fact. . .
 What is time anyway? 
According to "Space & Time," one in a series of really interesting articles located HEREtime can refer to how fast something is moving (its speed), or how long it lasts (its duration).  
Did you know that light travels at a speed of 186,282 miles each second -- or roughly 6 trillion (with a "t") miles in a year? Its speed never changes, either. Things, whatever they may be, travel at different speeds depending on their size, their mass, and the forces acting on them. (Super powers also might have something to do with it.)

Check this out!

Time also refers to how long things last. A breath, a heartbeat, (a cookie,) a Math test, a soccer game, a season... A lifetime can last more than 100 years, and a galaxy can be billions of years old.  Hmmm. . . That brings me to an interesting observation. Do you ever feel like time seems to drag on and on and on? Like when you're sick, or while you're waiting for Christmas? 

(You never feel like that when you're in class, right?) 

Sometimes other things seem to drag on and on, too!  
Check THIS out! (Hit "Play.")

When you're doing something that you really enjoy, though, time seems to fly by, right? Why is that?  

You guys can't wait to grow up, and your grandparents are wondering where the time has gone. It's all just a matter of perspective. 

Time has only one direction--forward. That's it. There's no turning back to change, redo, or undo something that's already happened. No sireee. (You've heard the expression, "What's done is done. . ." )  Bummer. 

Unfortunately you're not like these guys. . .
Mr. Peabody & Sherman with their 
wonderful WayBack Machine
You can't un-bake a cake or un-break a dish. When you do or say something that you wish you could take back, you're out of luck there, too.  When it comes to time, you can't backtrack.

That is, unless you're Superman.

Want to see something cool?
Pretend you're Superman flying at your usual warp speed and you decide to amp it up even more to blast back in time. Position your outstretched fist (Superman-style) at the center of this image. . . 

 Blam! You appear to speed up! 
(Hey, come back here! The year's not over yet!)

APRIL 11th-15th


Tuesday:Create Seasons Mini-books (Directions below.) Due this Friday.

"Reasons for the Seasons" 
mini book.


If you don't have time to do it right,
 when are you ever going to find the time to do it over?

  1. Take two pieces of white art paper and fold them together the hamburger way. 
  2. Staple them together on the fold. (There's a good stapler in the copy room.)
  3. IMPORTANT: Position your booklet with the fold at the top and the 4 loose ends on the bottom. Your booklet will  open by lifting up a page. 
  4. Write the words REASONS FOR THE SEASONS neatly in the center of the paper. This will be the cover of your project. Use borders, color, illustrations as you wish to make the cover attractive.
  5. Open your booklet. 
  6. Write the words Misconceptions About the Seasons on the top of the page that is above the staples. Neatly write (or type and attach with glue stick) the required information.
  7. Write the words Tilt of the Earth  on the page that is below the staples and Part 1. Illustrate. Be neat; use color. Label completely and neatly.
  8. Flip up to the next two blank pages. On the top  of the page above the staples write How the Angle of Sunlight Affects the Earth, then write (or type) your completed questions & answers.
  9. On the page below the staple write Reasons for the Seasons. Write or paste your completed paragraph here. Remember to edit and revise!
  10. On the back, write your name and the date.


Part 1:

Flip up first page of booklet. The space above the staple is page 1.  Title this page:  Misconceptions About the Seasons 

A misconception is an incorrect idea about something. Read about common misconceptions of why we have seasons:
  1. Seasons Misconceptions (scroll down)
  2. Common Misconceptions
  3. Some Common Misconceptions
  4. The Seasons
Make a list of some common misconceptions about the reasons for the seasons. (at least four). They should be written (or typed--to be attached to page 1 with glue stick only) in complete, well-constructed sentences.

Part 2: 
This goes below the staple (and Part 1). Title this page: Tilt of the Earth 

Draw a picture of the Earth, showing its tilt at each season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.  Label the seasons and dates (You can use the websites from Part 4 below or others on our blog.)

Part 3: 

Flip up second page of booklet. The space above the staple is page 3. Title this page: How the Angle of Sunlight Affects the Earth 

Write the following questions and answer them in complete sentences. You can use information from below or from our blog to help you. 
  1. How does the angle of the sunlight that hits the Earth affect the seasons?
  2. How does the angle of the sunlight that hits the Earth affect day and night?
Part 4: 

This goes below the staple (and Part 3.) Title it Reasons for the Seasons.
Check out the websites below:
Write a well-constructed paragraph explaining the reasons for the seasons, making sure to incorporate information from at least two websites into your paragraph. (Indicate which two websites you used at the end of the paragraph.)

"Seasons" games can be found HERE!

The  Moon

Why do dogs howl at the moon?

For centuries, people have blamed odd behavior (dogs howling, cats yowling, people being, you know, weirder) on the full moon. You have to admit, it's the kind of sound of which legends are made. So, why do dogs howl at the moon? 

Could it be that dogs are channeling their inner wolf? 

Dogs originate from wolves, so yea. . .  but that's not it.  You see, wolves don't bark at the moon, either.  They might howl to keep track of their pack's movements or to alert other packs nearby of their presence. That's it.

Reasons Dogs "Howl at the Full Moon"

There's greater visibility during a full moon, which makes it easier to see.  Brighter light may be disturbing and/or confusing to dogs.

Dogs have a keen sense of hearing and sounds carry better in night-time's cleaner atmosphere. Nocturnal critters are, in all likelihood, getting their attention.

Dogs are territorial creatures and may be reminding other dogs to stay away.

Dogs are also social animals. Could be they're just communicating with other canines?" Hel-ah-ooooooo! 

Whatever the reason, dogs do lift their heads when they howl, but not to howl at the moon. It simply helps them to project their voices better.  We do that, too. Try it! Ah-ooooooooo!

Wednesday: "The Moon" -- "The Moon" PPT & Notetaking activity
Thursday: "The Moon" Activity

Moon phase calculator HERE
Another cool moon phase calculator HERE
Moon phases calendar HERE
Moonlight Madness HERE
Phases of the Moon Interactive HERE

Moon Song--let's boogie!

Language Arts

Monday:  We're in the middle of several activities which we'll complete upon my return, so for today, watch this Bill Nye Video about the seasons. Complete Comprehension/Analysis questions. Due Wednesday.  Be sure your Constellation myths have been edited and shared with me.

Tuesday--Friday TBA

Hey guys--Play a fun punctuation game HERE



What was the myth that explained the beginnings of these great cities? Find out and create a 1/2 page illustrated summary of each for your project.


(Hmm... How do you learn Roman numerals? Look HERE to find out!)

 You can also look here:  

Then again, you could watch a video:


Your Greek Ampnorae came out beautifully, and now it's time to look at an artform for which ancient Rome is well-known.  Mosaics.  I have a handout for you with all the directions you'll need.  Look at the interactive sites below. Play around with ideas using our smallest grid graph paper. For the activity, you'll need to cut colored construction paper into small squares (I will give you 1/2" strips and a paper cup for each color.)


        ANCIENT GREECE WEBSITES                                                         

Activities & Fun Stuff Websites


Activities & Fun Stuff Websites

 Chapter 8
Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

Monday:  8.1 Solutions of Equations.Share & Show, pgs. 425-426.  Practice & Homework, pgs. 427-428  Essential Question:  How do you determine if a number is a solution to an equation?

Tuesday: 8.2 Write Equations. Share & Show and Practice & Homework Essential question: How do you write an equation to represent a situation.

Wednesday: 8.3 Model and Solve Addition Equations. Share & Show and Practice & Homework Essential Question: How can you use models to solve addition equations?

Thursday: 8.4 Solve Addition and Subtraction Equations. Share & Show and Practice & Homework Essential Question: How do you solve addition and subtraction equations?

Friday: 8.5 Model and Solve Multiplication Equations. Share & Show and Practice & Homework. Essential Question: How can you use models to solve multiplication equations?


8.1 continued:  I like the way this teacher sets up equations to solve.

8.2 Write Equations


Math duuude!

Lesson 11
Test on Friday

(Minibook project modified from Reasons for the Seasons Webquest)