Tuesday, September 15, 2009

They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.

I hope your children had a fun, productive day today. It's a teacher's greatest challenge to plan lessons that are meaningful when s/he has to be out for the day. For Social Studies, Grades 5 and 6 played with a right brain art activity that can (and will) be used in future classes. They may have brought the paper home to work on... Ask them to show you what they learned about drawing cartoon characters. Also check out the video for a great little tutorial. The artist is a bit dry, but he has some great ideas for drawing cartoon faces!

Language Arts for both classes involved Daily Oral Language (from now on I'll just call it DOL, OK?) and work on the first real poetry piece, "What is Autumn? It's a definition poem that I like to do each fall; children tend to use a lot of sensory detail! I'm scurrying to get something to show you for Open House... We'll see how much the students accomplish today and tomorrow.

Spelling and Vocabulary were completed for Tuesday; they should have had plenty of time to get it done in class. Remember, what doesn't get done is homework. The idea is to use class time productively.

We continued with Reading assessments today as well. We should be able to finish up this week. Writing and Spelling (and I believe Math) assessments are already done. Whew.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow night! Until then-

Be well,