Guess what I'm doing this weekend?? The wood guy left three cords of wood in my driveway and I'm thinking it looks like a hundred. We've started stacking some of it already, but the pile still looms large. (I think it might have something to do with approaching the task at the end of a long day.) Still, I keep thinking about the prospect of curling up by the fire with a good book one day soon... Colder days are coming!
Today the fifth grade was gone on a field trip to Walden; that left time for us to enjoy our latest "read-aloud" and finish up a lot of projects. It was a good day. Fifth graders need to turn in their sensory piece on Monday-by virtue of their field trip today, they have a little extra time to tweak it and make it amazing!
I hope you find a little time for yourselves this weekend. If you get bored, I live in Charlotte and I have this huge pile of wood to get in... Just kidding...
Take care everyone-