Two students came back today, but two more stayed home. My goodness, flu season is upon us all.
With so many students out, it's hard start something new... We completed day two of our Spelling, Vocabulary, and Grammar packets (Unit 7) today. In Writing class, many of us needed to redo or finish various "Sensory Writing" pieces. Lesson learned: it doesn't pay to hurry through assignments... Please help me check for job quality/completion.
Because not all teachers were here today to teach Literacy (grades 3 & 4 were on a field trip), we worked on our American Indian projects or silent read during that time. It's always nice to have a little extended time together to get things done. (As for Math and Science, always feel free to check Alison's website.)
I gave Grade 5 an extended Social Studies class to work on their American Indian projects. If you have a few minutes to spare, please feel free to help me help them organize their information. It's hard for them to pull what they need from books or internet resources. There isn't enough of me to give them all the time they require. Obviously we'll need to spend much more time on this throughout the year.
Don't forget that grades 5 & 6 will be gone all day on Thursday, November 5. Everyone will need to bring a bag lunch. Also, healthy snacks and juice or water in plastic bottles are fine for the bus ride. Cautionary note: If your child isn't feeling 100%, please consider keeping them home for the day; it would be horrible to get sick on the bus or in the theater.
Stay well, everyone. I'll be in touch tomorrow.
(Just so you know, I TRIED to space between paragraphs, but to no avail. Sorry...)