Monday, September 17, 2012

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” ~Walt Streightiff

Happy Monday, everyone!

With school in full swing and games, practices, and other after-school activities filling up many evenings, kids seem busier than ever! It's good for children to have a variety of organized activities available to them outside of school.  Aside from providing healthful, constructive ways to occupy their unstructured after-school time, extra-curricular activities help them build friendships and develop collaborative skills, responsibility, time management skills, independence, and overall physical and emotional health.  After all, it's good to feel like you belong to something.  Click here for a short article about the value in involving children in organized extracurricular activities. 

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, September 19th's  Open House! 

Take care--


Language Arts 6:

  • Alpha-List due Wednesday, September 18
  • Writer's Notebook--5 (illustrated) writing shorts from September Bingo card, due September 28 (1/2 to 1 page in length)
  • Begin work on Personal Mission Statements
    • Wednesday--Create list of Personal Characteristics
    • Thursday--Use list to create Mission Statement, 1st draft
    • Friday--Conference with teacher, begin final draft
Language Arts 5:

  • Alpha-List due Wednesday, September 18
  • Writer's Notebook--5 (illustrated) writing shorts from September Bingo card, due September 28 (1/2 to 1 page in length)
  • Descriptive Writing:
      • Monday -- write (detailed sensory) list of ten things that you like about Autumn (i.e.: Taking long walks along leaf-strewn paths; the pungent smell of woodsmoke rising from chimneys)
      • Tuesday -- share lists and type them, following format I provide (parallel structure)
      • Wednesday through Friday -- Conference with teacher / Type final drafts / Illustrate poem using "tear art."
Independent Reading:

Grade 5: Book Report (T-Shirt) due September 28
Grade 6: Book Report (T-Shirt) and Story Map due September 28

Social Studies:

Grade 6: The following activity to be completed by Monday, September 24 
Grade 5: The following activity to be completed by Tuesday, September 25


Use the following websites to help you find answers to questions 1-9 in your packet. (Even though you won't need to use them all, check them all out to see which ones offer the best information in the easiest format for you to follow.) You will need to have this information before you can proceed with the collaborative activity that follows.  Some interesting stuff here!!