Sunday, October 12, 2014

"There are no secrets that time does not reveal." ~Jean Racine

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more interesting, it did!  This week has some pretty amazing things to see and do!  As we wind down our units in both Social Studies and Science, pay close attention to our discussions; contribute to them; ask questions; be present.  As Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Learning never exhausts the mind."

OCTOBER 13-16 (No School on Friday!)

(Important Notice:  6th graders are recording their daily reading in a Reading Log (Google form).  Please make sure that this is being done on a daily basis; it takes only minutes each day and documents progress toward their monthly goals. Thanks!)


  • Monday:  Learn about Neanderthal Man and complete the accompanying cloze activity.
  • Wednesday:  Ancient Art: 
    • The Niaux Cave, located in the northern footlills of the Pyrenees, is one of many in the region and has some of Europe's most impressive Palaeolithic rock art galleries of cave paintings, dating back at least 14,000 years.
    • The Lascaux Cave, located in southwestern France is a complex of caves that holds perhaps the most famous Upper Palaeolithic art estimated to be up to 20,000 years old.
    • Cave Art from Chauvet, France  Oldest art on record--some of them 32,000 years old.  Almost perfectly preserved after a rock-slide sealed the cave 25,000 years ago.


    • Other cave adventures included a visit to the 14.000 year old Bull and Cow Bison found in the Le Tuc d'Audoubert Cave in Arlege, France.
    • The Cosquer Cave in Marseille, France is the only cave in the world with an entrance 115 feet below present-day sea level where cave art has been preserved from the flooding that occurred when the seas rose after the end of the last glaciation. (Clottes & Courtin 1994, 1996)
    • Along northern Spain's Cantabrian Sea coast, the cave called El Castillo had the oldest dated cave paintings—the oldest being a simple red disk. At more than 40,800 years old, it pre-dates other European art by at least 4,000 years. This date coincides with the earliest known evidence for Homo sapiens  in Europe.  Because of its age, it is the best evidence yet that Neanderthals might have been the first actual cave painters. 


  • Monday: pg. 50 
  • Tuesday: pg. 51 
  • Wednesday: pg. 52 
  • Thursday: pgs. 53 & 54


  • Monday:  Found /Parallel Poetry using "Neanderthal Man"
  • Tuesday: Share/Edit/Revise Found/Parallel Poetry using "Neanderthal Man"
  • Wednesday: Complete Found/Parallel Poetry activity and copy F.D. into Writer's Notebook (include illustration, color, border--you know the routine! =-})
  • Thursday:  Writer's Notebook square of the week.  All writing due.


A week of exploration, discussion, learning, learning, learning. . .
Test coming soon:  Know these terms!

Tuesday:  TO DO:  Complete Interactive Notebook Review Activity

A great introduction to Hydrothermal Vents

"Probably one of the biggest biological discoveries ever made on earth..."

Thursday:  TO DO:  Complete a 20-word "gist" about hydrothermal vents. 


  • "I Discovered Fire" Reading and Comprehension packet. Use QuEEC to construct responses. Finish up Thursday.

Cave art video from
Music for Chauvet video: "Before the Beginning" by Robert Tree Cody & Will Clipman