Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Should things go wrong at any time, the people will set them to rights by the peaceable exercise of their elective rights. " Thomas Jefferson

 Hi everyone --

Yesterday grades 5 and 6 spent time reviewing President Obama's and Governor Romney's political platforms via an animated role play and subsequent discussion about the issues.  It was an enlightening experience to watch these young people contemplate complicated issues, offer their views, and thoughtfully exercise their right to "vote."  Your children are amazing.


WRITER'S NOTEBOOK -- Grades 5 & 6
*  Monday:  Set up Writer's Notebook for November 
*  Assignment for Tuesday: complete 1st of 4 "16-Word" poems based on "The Red Wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams.  (This work is considered Williams' masterwork--a poem in which he objectively illustrates the importance of the ordinary.) This first poem can be about any topic the student chooses.  
*  Assignment for Friday: complete the other 3 poems, which should focus on 3 academic subjects.  

LANGUAGE ARTS -- Grades 5 & 6
*  Tuesday:  Read about, role-play, and discuss Democratic and Republican political platforms prior to "voting" for the next president.
*  Wednesday through Friday:  Work on "Wonders" brochure--a major grade in both Language Arts and Social Studies.

SOCIAL STUDIES -- Grades 5 & 6
*  Monday & Wednesday -- 5/6 Maynard -- complete "Wonders" brochure (to be worked on in L.A., too)
*  Tuesday & Thursday -- 5/6 DaBica -- complete "Wonders" brochure (to be worked on in L.A., too)

SPELLING -- Grade 6
*  Monday - Wednesday: Unit 2, Part 1
*  Thursday - Friday: Unit 2 Part 2
* Continue working on Unit 2: Spelling "Task Cards" -- due at the end of Unit 2


Thank you, families, for attending parent/student/teacher conferences on Friday, November 2.  It was so nice spending time getting to know you / getting together again.  Addison's children are fortunate to have families that are so devoted to them and to their academic and socio-emotional growth and well-being. Together, we will provide the support and encouragement each and every child deserves.  

My best to you all--

Voting Booth illustration: