Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27 "They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel." -- Anonymous

You just wait; this is going to be US soon!

Another busy day! Your child should have in their possession October's book project. (How do you like that?? I just learned how to transfer a document to "Google Docs". Well, well...) Because I did not get it to them yesterday as I had planned, they can have until Monday to complete it. These guys are creative and like to incorporate art into their learning, so hopefully it'll be fun AND meaningful.

Today is Tuesday, so 6th graders had Science instead of Social Studies. Still, I hope they're plugging away on their American Indian information. I gave a completion date of Thursday, November 5th, but since we're going to be gone that day, we'll move it to the 6th.

We worked on Spelling, Vocabulary, DOL, and Grammar today, with enough time left over (hopefully) to finish the "Scares Me Most" poems. I didn't collect their Sensory Writing packet, but will do so tomorrow.

For grade 5--We're also doing "Want to Know What Scares Me Most?" poems. They're fun! These poems are couplets and have a decided rhythm to them, so those used to free verse are having to think a little about the words they choose. In Social Studies, they began their American Indian project--a bit scaled down--and will probably be asking for your guidance, too. Class time will be provided to find and write their information, although many will probably need some additional home time to complete it. Check over their packets; they outline the expectations.

That's about it for now. I hope you have a good evening. As I tell the kids, don't forget to eat your vegetables and get to bed early.
